FAITH AND JUSTIFICATION 391 Blessed Are the Sons of God Matt. 5: 14 7. 7. 7. 7. 7. 7. Voller Wunder Joseph Humphreys, 1743, cento, alt. Johann G. Ebeling, 1666 Sav a the with heav’n Christ’s dren en are of joy bo’t own ly ior’s birth; peace; blood; are jus are are ed up ti the lights 1 Bless They 3 They 2 earth, grace, God, by Chil the They They of on fied sons be great shall stand is ter are God’s they them in in nal They All One gun: Day: have: with are somed God, sins Je washed from ran with their They Glo Life ry shall e sus a the one; way, grave, we we we may may may Here Here Here be be be With With With num num num bered bered bered them them them A ty! ty! ty! men. in in e e e and and and in ni ni ni ter ter ter